
Chasing Checkers is not the typical hockey blog, and it’s not run by the typical hockey blogger.  Jenni Propst has been a Charlottean for nearly all of her life, and is a sixth generation North Carolinian.  She spends her days and nights working behind the scenes in a theater, doing all of the technical things that help the shows go on.  When not running a light board, or designing lights or operating a followspot high above the audience, she can be found cheering on the Charlotte Checkers and recruiting all of her cultured, theatrical friends to join her at the Time Warner Cable Arena.

The inspiration for Chasing Checkers started years ago, as a graduate student at UNC-Charlotte, where Jenni took a class on sports communication and culture.  Since then, she started to observe pro sports from a new, cultural viewpoint, and decided a blog would be the perfect place to enlighten and even educate Charlotteans about the best pro sports team we have in town.  It came to life in February 2011, and while still in it’s infancy, it’s going strong.

When not watching hockey (or ballet, opera, live music  or Broadway shows), Chasing Checkers chief blogger can be found knitting, enjoying a pint at her favorite downtown pub, hanging out with her monster dog William Shakespeare (named after the greatest play write to ever live), traveling the country in her teardrop camper, or white water kayaking in the mountains of western North Carolina.  She has an ever-growing obscure hockey jersey collection that has taken over an entire closet, and keeps buying more despite the fact she tends to wear the same one all the time.


If you have comments or questions, or want to be a guest blogger, contact me at chasingthecheckers@gmail.com

One thought on “About

  1. The first time I saw the checkers was in 1964 vs ny rovers in msg! Ive lived in Charlotte for 25 years love the old arena & your site! Even with a loss to the moose the other nite! It could not stop the roar of the crowd! The whole nite was awesome! Not a bad seat in the house! !!!

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